The Ultimate Digital Course Academy Bonus for Course Creators Who Want to Build a Lucrative Audience of People Who Are Ready To Buy

Get two courses for the price of one (PLUS bonuses!) to get the support you need to launch and scale your course faster.

Click here to enrol in Digital Course Academy with these bonuses

What is Digital Course Academy?

Amy Porterfield's signature course Digital Course Academy helps online business owners and entrepreneurs turn their knowledge and know-how into a digital course that will generate consistent revenue through live and evergreen webinar launches.  

The program provides a step-by-step strategy for the entire course creation journey — from strategy, to planning, to creation, to launching . . . with no fluff and no stone left unturned.  

In a nutshell, DCA teaches students how to make the ultimate shift from struggling to make money online, feeling stretched too thin, and feeling uncertain of what they should be doing, to creating a profitable asset in their business -- a digital course that they can launch over and over again.

Is Digital Course Academy Right For Me?

DCA is right for you if you want:


You’re excited about creating a digital course that can earn you 5, 6 or even 7-figures per year while impacting the lives of thousands (or you’re already doing this!)


You’re ready to leave behind your 9-to-5 or the client work and done-for-you services, so that you can spend more time doing the things you love most with the people you love most.


You’re intrigued by the idea that you can simplify your business by creating a single digital course and selling it over and over again, while saying 'no' to the projects that no longer light you up.

Click here to enrol in Digital Course Academy with these bonuses

Bonus #1: Access to The Entire A-Lister Course

The fastest way to build your email list to 1000 subscribers using Facebook and Instagram ads without wasting your money, selling your soul on social media, or getting a tech degree.

Value: $997


Understanding What Drives Results With Facebook Ads

In this first module we’ll break down what makes Facebook and Instagram ads so different for someone who is just staring out vs someone who has an established audience and a higher number of likes on their page. Never waste money running the wrong ads again.


The 5-Step A-Lister Process for Building Your Audience and Your Email List to 1000 People Fast

The complete 3000 foot view of a successful Facebook and Instagram ad funnel that delivers new followers and new list subscribers to you on auto-pilot each day.


Creating Your Lead Magnet and Ad

Create copy, images, videos and landing pages before opening up the Ads Manager to speed up the tech setup and get results sooner. We show you how.


Mastering The Tech

Understanding the layout of the Business Manager and Ads Manager so you never again get confused with where things are or get stressed out when Facebook moves things around.


Setting Up Your Ads

Look over my shoulder as I show you the complete step-by-step process of how to set up every ad so that you start seeing results sooner.


Understanding Your Results and Scaling For Massive Impact

Making sense of all the geek speak. Your complete checklist to every data point and what they mean so that you know exactly what's working and how to get more of that!

Bonus #2: Done For You Ad Images

Need some design inspiration for your list building or webinar ad images? We know what works and we know what converts. Ready to start using agency-quality images in your ads? We’ve got you covered... Our team of highly experienced ads designers is standing by to create ALL your ad images for your next launch. 

VALUE: $250

Bonus #3: 6 Live Q&A Workshops with Salome

Over the course of 12 weeks we will get together every fortnight to go over what Amy is teaching you inside DCA. You'll also have the opportunity to be coached and to get all your questions answered on our weekly Q and A calls. This is your opportunity to learn how to scale your business faster and how to evergreen your launches so that you can create reoccurring income from your online course. Call kick off on Oct 7th.

VALUE: $1200

Bonus #4: Dedicated Private Facebook Community

Become part of a community where you can get support and encouragement when you need it most. Inside our private community you'll have the accountability you need to implement what you learn and you'll get to meet fellow course creators who share your passions and your challenges. Have a burning question in the middle of the night? Ask the community. Someone has the answer you're seeking and in our community you'll always be heard and I guarantee you'll make friends for life. 

VALUE: How do you put a price on love and support?

Bonus #5: Free Mini Course - Build Your Own Website

Your website is the key to your online kingdom. Learn to create your own WordPress site from scratch in 5 easy steps. Hosted by the amazing DCA Alumni, Donna Mavromates of MavroCreative. 

VALUE: $97

Meet Salome Schillack

I'm a Facebook ad geek with a front-row seat to some of the biggest online course launches in the industry. 

I created Shine and Succeed, an agency where me and my team of awesome ads managers and marketers help digital course creators like you launch bigger, grow more consistently and scale faster with smart Facebook and Instagram ad strategies (even when the algorithm changes every 5 minutes). 

At Shine and Succeed, we believe that if you're doing good in the world we want to help you make an even bigger impact (and a LOT more money). 

But don't take my word for it...

"Not only is Salome incredibly skilled in paid advertising, but she also has a huge heart. 

That is why she has been such a huge support to my community."

Amy Porterfield

"The best part about going through DCA with you by my side is exactly that. You were by my side the whole time and that's exactly what I needed. Whenever I needed advice or technical help (like with my fb ad), you were there to help me. I loved that you answered my emails very quickly and helped me get past my struggles...I doubled my revenue."

Magalie Gelin

When I joined the DCA experience, I knew I wanted support but I also knew how amazing Salome is with Facebook Ads. Being able to take a peek at how to do Facebook Ads with Salome AND having the ability to book in a call with her when things just don't seem to be working was a game changer. With Salome by my side I was able to get more clarity with what I wanted to accomplish and get more advanced with my Facebook Ads strategies. Some people I connected with from the DCA group wished they had signed up with Salome's DCA experience after I mentioned the value she offered. I highly recommend her DCA experience!

Rania Abouyounes

"Salome encouraged me to get something out there so I could start making money ASAP. She helped me overcome my perfectionism, and as a result, I've had over 200 members join in less than 10 months."
Sal Frances 
"Having a group to chat to weekly who are also going through setting up their businesses online is very helpful, especially for the ‘community’ aspect it provides and being able to just chat to similar minds.
With the group calls you reaffirmed my need to let go of some tasks and get someone to help me out so that I can start working on things to propel my business forward. As a result I now have 3 employees and it has allowed me to grow my business and not be stuck in the daily churn that someone else can do instead!"
Chamonix Terblanche
Click here to enrol in Digital Course Academy with these bonuses

Disclaimer: I receive an affiliate commission when you purchase Digital Course Academy through my page. When you purchase here, you get Digital Course Academy AND all of the bonuses above - so it's a win all round!